Why aren't you getting the results you want from life & business?

Watch this video to learn why based on over 40 years of psychology research

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what clients are saying

By the end of the session, I could not believe I had insights that actually felt doable and exactly right for me. I've worked with many coaches and counselors and never found a method as effective, profound, and empowering as Christina's. This was a life-changing experience.

This was first class and well organized. Thank you!

I love being Christina's student: because of her patience, problem-solving approach, and eternal good cheer. I thrive best in open-ended, encouraging learning environments and I'm grateful to have her as my teacher.

Christina is amazing! The help and encouragement she have provided me have been invaluable & instrumental to my success.

Christina pushes me to look past my fear and do things I've always wanted to do but was too scared.

Christina inspired me to get back on track today! I get in my own head / in my own way like this too often and I need to shake off the fear and push myself to take the next step! Seriously thank you, Christina!

how i discovered this solution

Christina Yeoman
Certified Coach

My team in the early days

my doggo

having fun with clients

I used to be like you.From the outside, I looked successful, had a team of people working with me, and was physically & socially active.But deep down, I was miserable.And, that misery got to a point that I didn't want to sell anything, even if our work was meaningful & is still used by clients four years later.I also had a team of people to support, including my family & doggo.But, it’s like I hit a wall, almost to a point of no return.Until one day, I realized that I hated everything about the life I had built.Everything suddenly felt wrong and I had to do something about it.So, I shut down my business, found a job, and tried to take it easy while I emotionally & spiritually bounced back.But, I felt guilty for letting my clients and employees down.And, I felt like I had given up on everything I wanted most in life: to travel with my partner and experience life to the fullest.But, somewhere, deep down, I still had hope I'd find my way.One day, I was talking with a former Amazon Best Selling client and took the leap of faith to join her certification program.After a few sessions, everything I was doing wrong in business and life hit me like a ton of bricks.I finally knew what I should be doing with my life so the spark doesn't die.Since then, I've opened a consulting agency, helped clients go from 6 to 7 figures, am writing a book, and more.This intensive is my gift to you.It's my way of giving you the light bulb moments I wish I had years ago.I created it so you can finally feel what it's like to create a business and life that's easy, seamless, and... fun!Except you won't wait years, or even weeks.Instead, you'll get massive clarity to make big changes in one day.It will allow you to forgive yourself for so many things you're not, skip the guess work in your business / career / relationships / life / etc, & jump straight into how to do what you do best.You.…Most people try to differentiate themselves by trying to copy others and being a little different, cheaper, or "better."Most people have a hard time communicating what they want and need with others, which affects their personal and business relationships.Most people say yes to work that only leaves them burned out, frustrated, and worried how long they can keep going.In this intensive, I’m going to help you learn how to lean into who you are.And let go of being everything you’re not.Because this changed my life.& I know it can change yours, too.

Psst... Be sure to watch until the end of the video to get a 45% off discount code.

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